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Get a Face Lift in San Diego With Dr. Pietraszek

As we age, facial tissue is affected by the forces of gravity, causing skin and ligaments to stretch and fall. The result is a tired, sagging appearance that doesn’t properly reflect your vitality. If you’re experiencing these aesthetic signs of aging, a facelift may be the right procedure for you. Our La Jolla San Diego facelift surgery treatments are effective at restoring your youthful, energized appearance. During your personal consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to go over all of your concerns with Dr. Pietraszek, so the right treatment plan can be developed to comprehensively meet your needs.

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Considering a Facelift?

The negative effects of aging are most evident around the cheeks, mouth, and neck area, and can include:

• Heavy lines around the mouth
• Appearance of jowls
• Loose skin and tissue below the lower jaw area
• Rounded facial appearance

These changes are effectively addressed by re-suspension of the midface. During a facelift, Dr. Pietraszek re-positions loose tissues in order to create a more rejuvenated appearance and smooth wrinkled skin. The doctor can even remove any excess skin from the area in front of the ears and the neck.

Facelifts are most often performed by working on one side of the face at a time.  Dr. Pietraszek makes a discreet incision inside the hairline and at the temple. In some cases, sagging muscles, connective tissue, and fat deposits can be tightened or removed to provide best results.

The Benefits of Facelift Treatment

 While there are many beauty products that claim to help give you more toned skin, or to smooth lines and wrinkles, a facelift actually produces these dramatically improved results.

By visiting our La Jolla plastic surgery office for a facelift, patients experience tightened and firmed skin around their cheeks and mouth. Dr. Pietraszek can also firm loose skin below the chin, as well as deep frown or smile lines. The complete, over-all effect is that of a revitalized and renewed appearance.

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Return to Work?

Soreness is an expected part of the recovery process as is giving yourself plenty of time to rest. To help counteract any discomfort, a prescription for an oral pain medication can be provided. It is important to attend all of your follow-up appointments within the days and weeks of your surgery so that Dr. Pietraszek can carefully monitor the healing process. Our facelift patients typically return to work one to two weeks after surgery.

Questions about Facelifts? Contact our Office!

If you have questions or concerns about facelift surgery or selecting the right options for your needs, contact our plastic surgeon to learn more about our La Jolla San Diego facelift treatments.