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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction in San Diego

Breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing treatment for women who are suffering from breasts that are too heavy or that do not compliment their body shape. Large breasts also make it hard to find clothes that fit and or to be as active as you’d like. Getting breast reduction surgery at The La Jolla Institute of Plastic Surgery can restore your physical comfort and help you feel good about yourself again.

Also known as mammoplasty, breast reduction is the surgical removal of excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve your desired body shape and aesthetic. This procedure alleviates pressure and extra weight placed on your back and neck, making it easier to exercise, fit in clothing, and enjoy improvements in general physical comfort.

At the initial consultation, we take the time to understand your wishes and concerns to ensure your expectations are met. It’s important to take a baseline mammogram before and after treatment to have a better idea of the health of surrounding tissues. Dr. Pietraszek goes through each step in the procedure and ensures that each incision for breast reduction surgery is made to be as inconspicuous as possible when fully healed. 

Of all plastic surgery procedures, breast reduction provides the fastest and most dramatic changes in body shape. Individuals who have this treatment are pleased not only with the physical changes but also with the elimination of the pain that typically results from having large breasts.

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Breast Reduction Recovery Time

You will need to rest for a few days after breast reduction surgery. It is common to experience minor pain that can be controlled with medication. Also, you will need to wear bandages on your breasts for many days after the surgery as well as a special bra for a few weeks. It is important to rest after breast reduction surgery and to avoid opening stitches, remember not strain or stretch too much.  

Can Breast Reduction Help Me?

If you are experiencing chronic pain or discomfort as the result of your large breasts, breast reduction surgery may be right for you. Contact Dr. James C. Pietraszek at The La Jolla Institute of Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation today.